My body is a wonder
Surprise: big changes in your life
The workshop explains all changes during puberty related to the 5 dimensions of a person: physical, social, emotional, intellectual, and spiritual.
Students from 4th and 5th grades
Surprise: A great gift awaits you (fathers and daughters)
Delving into the changes in each of the five Dimensions. Ovulation and menstruation in girls. Sperm production in boys. Fertilization, implantation, and gestation. Fertility is a gift to be saved until you get married.
Parents with children of 9 - 10 years old
Me, before I was born (fathers and sons)
The workshop discusses attraction between man and woman, engagement and then marriage which is sealed with the union of bodies. An explanation of fertilization is given. Then they are invited to travel back in time in the time capsule and learn about the whole process of personal formation inside the mother's womb.
Parents with their 11-year-old children.

Ecology of the heart
When the feelings of the heart become “intoxicated”, “polluted” behaviors are generated that have negative effects on our children’s lives and relationships. By means of real-life case studies the student will discover how the heart is intoxicated and how it can be decontaminated.
16- 17-years-old students
Decisions: Learning to get it right
The workshop analyzes the most common obstacles to decision-making. By means of case studies, the adolescent is taught to apply an analytical model of decision-making that leads to choosing the most suitable option over the one they like the most.
Parents with children of 15 - 16 years old.
Sex: reasons to wait
Self-control oriented to waiting to have sexual relations has been proven by science to bring liberties and advantages and helps to live love in all its fullness.
Students from 14 - 16 years old
Adolescence: challenges and risks
The workshop defines adolescence as a journey to adulthood. A review of possible risks such as low self-esteem, peer pressure, alcohol, sexting, sex, etc. is made to encourage dialogue between parents and children and define ways to prevent such risks and reach maturity with parental support.
12 years old students.
Do you manage your emotions or do they manage you?
Aprender a manejar un conjunto de emociones particularmente difíciles, desarrollando el hábito de “parar y pensar”.
Entender que las emociones son humanas, que no controlamos si las experimentamos o no, pero sí libres de darles un manejo constructivo que contribuya a crecer en autocontrol, aspecto necesario del carácter para lograr todas las metas en la vida.
11- 12-years-old students

Me and the Others
My child does not want to go to school
Bullying involves bullies, victims and witnesses. Parents must know the characteristics of each one in order to help adolescents to identify which one of these “roles” they are playing. Understanding the serious effects caused by this type of aggression encourages the witnesses (who are the majority) to abandon their passive role and assume a more active one to defend the victims and expose the bullies.
All ages. The content is adapted according to age.
Key tips to a successful courtship
The workshop addresses the topic of courtship, explaining that it is exclusive and temporary. It requires being oneself and making oneself known so that commitment is increased and can be lived with authenticity. Adolescents are encouraged to keep in mind that every successful courtship is outlining a common project for the future, which should be realistically defined in a present project: taking care of one' s studies, family relationships, expressions of affection, hobbies, sports, and regular tasks.
15 - 17 years old
Sexual pressures: how to resist them
Identifying which are the sexual influences or stimuli that, due to their repetition and intensity, become pressures for the adolescent. Internal, social or cultural pressures are analyzed and concrete management alternatives are presented through the discussion of case studies.
For 16 - 17 years old students.
Permissions and outings
The workshop analyzes the different styles of parental authority and proposes criteria for designing an effective permissions and outings policy that promotes maturity. Any permission given or denied should promote children's growth towards maturity. Discussion of case studies.
For 13- 14-years-old students
Pressures: adolescent’s Achilles’ heel
Identifying the emotional needs of the adolescent and helping him/her to meet them. Differentiate positive pressures from negative pressures that threaten their goals and values. Propose different strategies to help him/her resist negative pressures.
For parents with children from 13 years old

Technology and social networks
Internet: a world of images (parents and children)
Pornography activates the feeling brain. It tricks children into making their bodies feel comfortable and repeat image-seeking in exchange for hurting their growing brains. Children are invited to let their thinking brain be the boss in making decisions about what to watch or not watch on the Internet to avoid falling into addiction. And to develop their own inner filter.
10- 12-years-old students
Impact of screen time on family life
The world has changed, the access to and need for screens is increasing, so parents should design a usage policy for both themselves and their children. In homes where there are rules, the risk of inappropriate use is reduced.
For all ages
Sexting: playing with intimacy
Sexting is a tempting game in which one always loses. Knowing its effects and developing the skills to avoid it will safeguard the value of personal privacy.
Students of 14 years old and older
Social networks or social entanglements (parents and children)
Social networks allow people to share images and know instantly what dozens of people known or unknown are saying, thinking, and feeling. Friendship can be confused with contact, intimacy with frivolity, anonymity with gossip and freedom of expression with social entanglements.
13- 14-years-old students
Pornography, innocent fun? (parents and children)
The meaning of what pornography is is explained. The negative effects it has on the person, interpersonal relationships, the degrading impact on the vision and the sense of sexuality and how its consumption cannot be considered a simple entertainment are presented.
Parents with children between 13 and 15 years old

Alcohol: let’s party? (parents and children)
Statistics on alcohol consumption reveal that drinking is taking place at an increasingly younger age. According to science, this precociousness generates many negative effects on the development of the adolescent brain and a greater likelihood of addiction in adulthood. To prevent this damage, it is necessary to bring parents together to change the drinking culture, the only way to protect their children.
Students from 14 - 16 years old
Alcohol and marihuana: pleasure or pain?
The effects of these substances on the adolescent body and brain are exposed. Students are encouraged to avoid the artificial rewards of alcohol and marihuana and to prefer the natural rewards provided by wholesome fun.
Students from 14 - 16 years old